Rodney C. Burris
COVID-19 Response 2020


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 response, Rodney has been working with industry leaders, discovering best practices to help organizations thrive. These learnings are now embedded in his approach to help grow your folks!

Safety Training

The truth of the matter is, we all understand we need to create space and have social distance, but what does that mean for YOUR organization. You have a unique group, some things may need to be adjusted — wouldn’t it be nice to see what other groups like yours have done? What if Rodney could bring this information to you, and help you sort through it together? Then you could apply a version that fits good for where we currently are right now. Let’s Do This!

New Normal

Sometimes we get tired of video calls, tired of virtual meetings, tired of wearing the masks, tired of the distancing — Yet, as leaders, we have to keep our people safe, while also honoring the very real human experience they are going through right now. Is there a middle ground? Can we adjust some things without completely falling apart? YES! There are some strategies that seem to be working very well. Let’s explore those and see which ones fit well for your people!

Post Covid

As we near the transition of this phase, what does the NEW NORMAL look like? We hear that term, but what does that actually mean for us and how we need to operate, moving forward? Rodney is in touch with organizations just like yours, all over the world. We have seen first hand what transitions could look like when done well. Let’s use these examples as a way to carve our own framework of change as we transition forward.


Are You Okay? Are Your People Okay?

Image of Rodney C. Burris Covid-19 Response
In a nutshell, social isolation is HARD, and this pandemic has taken its toll on us — many of us — mentally, emotionally, physically. 

Sometimes we need to take time and do a check-in, allow everyone the space to re-connect, re-collect, and re-explore what social relationships can look like during this time. 

Most importantly, we can take the time to assess where we are internally, utilizing recognized industry tools, and use this data to help us map a way forward — for us and for our people. 

"Rodney, YES! Come Work with ME and my People!"

I Have Questions For You